The north symbol is one of the most commonly used symbols in architectural drawings. Its function is to indicate the north direction in floor plans. Our idea was to create a custom north symbol as a “signature” on our drawings so that they become easily recognizable. The new north symbol is inspired by Cycladic figurines that are the most characteristic creation of Cycladic Art. It is a reference to the Cycladic Civilization that is one of the oldest civilizations of Europe developed in the Cyclades during 3000 – 2000 BC, in the Bronze Age.
Most marble figurines represent naked women standing with their hands on their chests, male musicians, warriors or hunters. The forms are strongly stylized with a quiet certainty. The significance and use of Cycladic figurines still remains an enigma to archaeologists. The abstract form of the figurines is a wonderful world-famous example of marble sculpture that influenced 20th and 21st century artists such as Brancusi, Modigliani, Giacometti etc.